Håkon Stene is a full time professor, and head of the percussion department at the Freiburg Music Academy. This department offers a wide variety of focus areas, such as solo and chamber music, contemporary, experimental and historical performance practices, orchestral timpani and percussion, also branching out to areas such as hand-drumming, drum kit, the use of electronics and other media in performance, as well as to the field of artistic research. The studies are shaped according to the student's individual needs and artistic imaginations, however, at the core of the department's focus lies the belief that a strong understanding of the fundamentals of instrumental craft (Bachelor levels) is key in developing successful artistic practices at post-graduate levels and beyond, however conceptual they may be.
Auditions are held in February and June each year.
See https://www.mh-freiburg.de/studium/studienangebot/faecher/schlagzeug for more information.
I also offer individual online classes on topics such as technique and interpretation, practice methods and strategies, audition preparation, feedback on solo and chamber music performances, recordings, mixes and more. Send an email to H.Stene(at)mh-freiburg.de for more information.